My Country and Its Landscape ( Part 1 contd)

My Country and Its Landscape ( Part 1 contd)

Good morning and Welcome back 😄

So I do hope you tried to locate all the States & Union Territories along with their Capitals on the Map while going through the previous blog. 

Today we will do some written work in our S.St interleaved notebooks.
Hope you all have got your set of books and notebooks.

For those who don't have please do all the work in your rough note book and you can fair it out when you get your notebooks.

Now open your S.St interleaved notebooks
  • leave the first page for the index.
  • on the second page write the date on the top left side of the margin , then write the Name of the lesson on the first line. Underline it neatly using a colour pencil and a ruler.
  • Now begin doing your work neatly in  cursive writing.
Your notebooks will be corrected once school reopens. Do your work neatly as notebooks will be evaluated and marks will be given for that in both the terms. 

Now do the following questions and answers in your notebooks:-
    Q1. Write the important features of our country.
          Ans 1. The main features our country are:-

    1. India lies in the southern part of Asia which is the largest continent . 
    2. it is the seventh largest country in the world
    3. it is the second most populated country in the world.
    4. distance from North to South is 3,214 km and from East to west it is 2,993 km.
    5.  it is surrounded by water bodies (oceans) on three sides.
    6. it shares its borders with Pakistan, Afghanistan , China, Nepal, Bhutan , Myanmar and Bangladesh. 

    Q2. Define the terms i) Union territory  ii) Political map

    Ans 2. UNION TERRITORIES are regions that are directly ruled by the Central Government.

                POLITICAL MAP: A political map is a map which shows boundaries, States, Capital of    states, location of major cities and major water bodies of a region.

    Q3. How many States and Union Territories has India been divided into?

    Ans 3. India was divided into 29 States and 7 Union territories. (But last year the State of Jammu and Kashmir was changed to a Union Territory) . 

    Q4. List all the States and Union Territories of India along with their Capitals.

                               What are the capitals of all states in India? - Quora
                               What are the union territories of India? Why are they classified ...
    Please don't copy the names of Governors and Official language given in the above table in your note books.

    That's all for today dear boys. Keep smiling 😊

    That's all for today little ones.Take care and work hard.👋

    Enjoy the video and Keep Smiling


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