Good Morning students!

Let's start our class today with a small story.

Willie and his friend decided to play cricket. They gathered at the city park on Saturday morning. 
The first thing they did was to choose teams. Two players were chosen as the team captains and they each took turns choosing players for their team.
How did the captains choose their players for their team?

Now, read these questions and think of the answers:
  • Did they choose the players who were good looking?
  • Did they choose the ones who had the best clothes?
  • Did they choose the ones who were most popular with other kids in their class?
They chose players who were good at playing cricket. Sometimes the captains do not even choose their own friends. It doesn't matter how popular they are or what they looked like. All that they want is to win the match.

Don't you agree?

In our Bible story today, Jesus chooses His disciples.

Let us find out who were they and how He chose them.

We heard in the above Gospel reading that Jesus spent the whole night in prayer before appointing the twelve apostles. 

A disciple is a follower of Jesus. Jesus had many followers or disciples.
From among many disciples He appointed twelve people as His apostles.

An apostle means a person who is sent.
That is, an apostle is a person sent by Jesus to do what He told them to do.

Let's watch this video on how Jesus chose his disciples👇

Homework:- Find out the answers to the following question:

The answers will be shared in the next blog.
 ðŸ‘‰Reminder: We will have a short revision test on 5th May (next Day 2) on Chapter 1 - Let the children come to me. Be prepared

That's all for today boys! Take care and stay safe 😊


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