Good morning boys,
Today we are going to learn to solve word problems.

  • Read the problem, see what facts the problem is giving you, what is it asking.
  • Find the facts.
    Find important information
    Highlight them
  • Decide which operation or operations you need.
  • perform the operation with necessary calculation.
  • Find the answer.
  • The value or thing that is to be found is to be always writen on the right.
Let us continue with EX 3.3 

Q4. A book shop owner earned Rs 52385 on 1st day, Rs 114336 on the 2nd day and Rs 12463 on the 3rd day. How much money did he earn in these 3 days?

Ans. Amt. earned on 1st day -        5 2 3 8 5
         Amt. earned on 2nd day-    1 1 4 3 3 6
         Amt. earned on 3rd day-  +   1 2 4 6 3
         Amt he earned in 3 days  __________

[Hint: He earned in 3 days means in all 3 days so we add]

Q5. In Delhi, 346825 cars ply on the road followed by 521046 motor bikes and 23416 scooters. Then the number of bicycles is 1948.How many vehicles ply on the road?

Ans. Cars                               3 4 6 8 2 5
         Motor Bikes                  5 2 1 0 4 6
         Scooters                           2 3 4 1 6
         Bicycles                      +      1 9 4 8
 Total Vehicles ply               __________
On the road                              

[Hint: How many vehicles ply on the road? Means in all, so we add]

Q6. An aeroplane flew 7652 Km. Another aeroplane flew 1999 Km
       more than the first plane. How many Km did both the aeroplanes fly?

Ans: First aeroplane flew                            7 6 5 2 Km
         2nd aeroplane flies more than        +  1 9 9 9 Km
         1st plane by                                        9 6 5 1 Km 

Therefore 2nd plane flies 9651 Km 

1st plane flies                       7 6 5 2 Km 
2nd plane flies                      9 6 5 1 Km

Check answers:

Q4. 179184
Q5. 893235 vehicles 

Thank you, thats all for today do the above work in your copy.


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