Good morning boys,
Today we are going to learn to solve word problems.

  • Read the problem, see what facts the problem is giving you, what is it asking.
  • Find the facts.
    Find important information
    Highlight them
  • Decide which operation or operations you need.
  • perform the operation with necessary calculation.
  • Find the answer.
  • The value or thing that is to be found is to be always writen on the right.
Let us do EX 3.3 
Q1. A Box contains 896 white pebbles and 747 brown pebbles. How many pebbles are there altogether?

Ans. No. of white pebbles                     8 9 6
        No. of brown pebbles                 + 7 4 7
        Altogether                                  ______

[Hint: Altogether means in total so we add] .

Q2. In a music programme, Rajiv got 7426 votes and Ramesh got 8129 votes from the audience. How many votes did both of them get altogether?

Ans. No of votes for Rajiv                   7 4 2 6
        No. of votes for Ramesh          +  8 1 2 9      
        Both Altogether get                 ________

[Hint: Altogether means in total so we add] .

Q3. A public library has 25312 general books30581 Educational books and 78010 scientific books. How many books are there in the library?

Ans. General books                  2 5 3 1 2
         Educational books           3 0 5 8 1
         Scientific books           +  7 8 0 1 0
         Books in the library     _________

[Hint: Books in the library means in all So we add].

Check answers:

Q1. 1643 pebbles
Q2. 15555 
Q3. 133903 Books 

Thank you do the above in you copy.


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