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Animal bites pose a major public health problem in children and adults worldwide. 
Numerous animal species have the potential to bite humans; however the most important are those  arising from snakes, dogs, cats and monkeys.

   DOG  OR  CAT  BITES:-   

     You’re playing with your dog, and somehow, between growls and tail wags, it can happen. Those canine teeth can bite or scratch. Or alternatively, you could be walking down a street and an unknown mutt can attack without warning.
                                  Either way, there are steps you need to take right away to treat the wound and reduce the risk of infection. You’ll need professional medical attention the same day.                          
The  saliva  of  Dogs or Cats  may carry  rabies virus.

Rabies is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain in humans and other mammals. Early symptoms can include fever and tingling at the site of exposure.
Animals with rabies transfer the virus to other animals and to people via saliva following a bite or via a scratch.For humans who contract rabies, a bite from an unvaccinated dog is by far the most common culprit.

FIRST  AID:-  👉                                                          
  • Wash  the  wound  with  water  and soap.                   
  • Apply  an  antiseptic  cream.                                         
  • Take  the  patient  to  a  doctor  for  an  anti- rabies      vaccine.

snakebite is an injury caused by the bite of a snake, especially a venomous snake.A common sign of a bite from a venomous snake is the presence of two puncture wounds from the animal's fangs. Sometimes venom injection from the bite may occur. This may result in redness, swelling, and severe pain at the area, which may take up to an hour to appear.

Poisonous  snakes   inject poison  that travels through  the blood  and  affects the  heart  and  the  nervous  system. If  the  patient is  not  rushed  to  the  doctor immediately  it  may  cause  death.

How  should  you  treat  snake  bite??
👉  A  tight  bandage  should  be  tied  between  the  wound  and  the  heart  to  slow  down  the  flow  of  blood  so  that  the poison cannot  circulate  with  blood.
👉 The  patient  should  be  rushed  to  the doctor immediately for medical  attention.

Now  try  to  answer the  following  questions:-
1)  What  is  rabies  vaccine?  When  is  it  necessary?
Ans)  Rabies  vaccine  is  a  vaccination( injection)   give  to  prevent the  infection of  rabies virus.  It  should  be  given  if  a  person  is attacked by  a  dog  or  a  cat.
The  saliva  of these  animals  may carry  rabies  virus.

2) Snake  bites  can  be  fatal  and  life  threatening. Why?
Ans)  Snake  bites  can  be  fatal  because  some  snakes  carry  poisonous  venom .  This  will be  injected to  a persons  blood  stream when  the  snake  bites.
This  venom  will directly  affect  the  heart  and  nervous  system  and  can  cause  sudden  death.

3) What  first  aid  should  be  given  to  a  person  in  case  of  snake  bite?
ans)  If  a  person  is  bitten  by  a  snake  ,  a tight   bandage  should  be tied  between  the  wound  and  the   heart.  This  will stop  or  slows  the  blood  flow  to the  heart and  the  poison  will not  reach  the  other parts  of  the  body.  The person  must  be  rushed  to the  hospital for  medical  help.


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