Good morning boys,
Today we are going to learn the properties of subtractions.

There are some facts related to subtraction. These facts are called the properties of subtractions.

1. A number - 0 = The same number
Eg. 5 - 0 = 5
      11 - 0 = 11
2. A number - 1 = its predecessor 
Eg. 10 - 1 = 9 
       455 - 1 = 454

3. We cannot interchange the order of the minuend and the subtrahend.

Minuend         4 7 3 1 8                               3 4 1 1 8
Subtrahend  - 3 4 1 1 8                             - 4 2 1 0 6 
Difference      1 3 2 0 0                                not possible

4. Minuend - Subtrahend = difference 
    Minuend - Difference   = Subtrahend 

Eg. Minuend -      8 9 8
       Subtrahend-  4 5 0 
       Difference-     4 4 8

Let us do the following on Page 42
Revision Exercise

Q1. a. 6 5 9 
         - 1 0 3
           5 5 6 
Do the rest in your copy.

Q2. Arrange and subtract 
a. 8226 - 106

     8 2 2 6
  -    1 0 6 
     8 1 2 0 

How to borrow and subtract:
Now you can do Q2. b, c, d, e in your copy 

Extra sums:

Q3. Fill in the blanks:
a. 3162 - 0 = _______
b. 801 - 1 = ________
c. ______ + 199 = 200
d. 5828 + ______ = 5828
e. 172 + ______ = 272
f. 155 + ______ = 165

Check your answer:
a. 3162
b. 8000
c. 1
d. 0
e. 100
f. 10


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